Top Arts 2023 – Rufus Punton

Folio: Rufus Punton – Art Creative Practice

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criterion 6 –

Document, reflect and evaluate the development of personal responses using the Creative Practice and the Interpretive Lenses.

Rufus introduces the ideas that he has selected to explore for his artwork. He is exploring images that focus on his grandparents as a subject matter.

Folio commentary provided by

Giuliana D’Angelo
Deryck Greenwood
Kathryn Hendy-Ekers

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criterion 6 –

Rufus annotates the ideas and approaches he is considering. He has generated drawings in response personal imagery, explored and manipulated materials, techniques and processes.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criterion 6 –

Rufus considers symbolism and collects various items and imagery that have symbolic value for him. Using the Creative Practice Rufus could have applied the Structural and Personal lenses to discuss symbolism and personal ideas and the development of visual language.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criterion 6 –

Rufus documents, critically reflects and progressively evaluates the exploration and manipulation of his materials, techniques and processes. In this example he has explored different Aquatint processes for his etchings.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criterion 5 –

Apply and manipulate materials, techniques and processes to develop personal responses and a visual language using the Creative Practice.

Rufus continues to explore and manipulate a selected materials, techniques and processes to produce a painting that forms part of his body of work. He documents his exploration, critically reflects on, and evaluates his artwork and Visual language. Aspects of the Interpretive Lenses could be applied to evaluate the use of visual language to communicate ideas.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criterion 5 –

Rufus continues to explore and manipulate materials, techniques and processes. He has explored the technique of etching using the same subject matter that was used for his painting. He has evaluated which art form will effectively communicate his ideas and subject matter.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criterion 5 –

This print demonstrates the development of Rufus’ skill in the technique and the manipulation of selected materials and processes. Rufus has explicitly applied the Structural Interpretive lens to evaluate the use of symbolism in the development of his visual language.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criterion 5 –

Rufus continues to develop a body of work that explores and manipulate materials, techniques and processes to develop and refine his Visual language to communicate ideas. He has applied etching techniques to create a range of artworks on the theme of ‘grandparents.’ He documents, critically reflects on and evaluates his trials. The Personal and Structural Interpretive lenses have been applied to evaluate the trials.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 7 –

Present a critique of the use of the Creative Practice from Unit 3 and use feedback and reflection to resolve a body of work.

In Unit 4 Area of Study 1 in Art Creative Practice, students are required to present a critique of the work completed for Unit 3 Outcome 2. The critique in Area of Study 1 must take place before the student commences the resolution of their body of work. Rufus has reflected on his artworks produced in Unit 3 and begins to refine and resolve his body of work. He has considered the objects that will be included in the artworks and the symbolic value of them thus considering how visual language will be used in the body of work.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 8 –

Document, annotate and evaluate the refinement and resolution of the Body of Work.

Rufus demonstrates the refinement and resolution of personal visual responses and visual language. He critically evaluates the refinement and resolution of a body of work, explaining why he has selected particular images to form his body of work. Rufus has also considered the presentation of the work when he explains why he selected the most appropriate paper to print on. His annotations demonstrate how the Structural Lens could be used to evaluate the presentation of his work.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 8 –

Rufus continues to refine and resolve personal visual responses and his visual language in a several images that will constitute his body of work. He explores different compositions and techniques that could communicate his ideas and intention for the body of work.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 8 –

In VCE Art Creative Practice students are required to consider the presentation and context of the body of work to communicate ideas. This is an example of one of the final prints in Rufus’s body of work. He has skilfully refined and resolved his use of materials, techniques and processes in the artform of printmaking. The annotation accompanying the artwork articulately explains how the presentation of the artwork and the use of visual language communicates his ideas and intentions. He also explains how this artwork constitutes one aspect of his greater body of work. Rufus’s annotations demonstrate how the Structural, Personal and Cultural Lenses could be used to interpret personal responses.

Unit 4 – Outcome 2 – Criterion 9 –

Refine and resolve a Body of work using the Creative Practice.

Rufus demonstrates the refinement and resolution of personal visual responses and visual language. He critically evaluates the refinement and resolution of a body of work, explaining why he has selected particular images to form his body of work. Rufus has also considered the presentation of the work when he explains why he selected the most appropriate paper to print on. His annotations demonstrate how the Structural Lens could be used to evaluate the presentation of his work.

Unit 4 – Outcome 2 – Criterion 9 –

This final print demonstrates the Rufus’s skilful refinement and resolution of materials, techniques and processes in printmaking. Visual language has been refined and resolved to communicate his intended ideas.

Unit 4 – Outcome 2 – Criterion 9 –

Rufus skilfully refines and resolves the use of his selected materials, techniques and processes in another print that forms part of his body of work. By selecting a part of his original composition, he refocuses on the objects in the print that have symbolic value. The work demonstrates the resolution and refinement of his visual language to communicate ideas in his artwork.

Unit 4 – Outcome 2 – Criterion 9 –

In VCE Art Creative Practice students are required to consider the presentation and context of the body of work to communicate ideas. This is an example of one of the final prints in Rufus’s body of work. He has skilfully refined and resolved his use of materials, techniques and processes in the artform of printmaking. The annotation accompanying the artwork articulately explains how the presentation of the artwork and the use of visual language communicates his ideas and intentions. He also explains how this artwork constitutes one aspect of his greater body of work. Rufus’s annotations demonstrate how the Structural, Personal and Cultural Lenses could be used to interpret personal responses.

Unit 4 – Outcome 2 – Criterion 10 –

Resolve and present a Body of Work to communicate ideas and meaning to a viewer or audience.

In VCE Art Creative Practice students are required to consider the presentation and context of the body of work to communicate ideas. This is an example of one of the final prints in Rufus’s body of work. He has skilfully refined and resolved his use of materials, techniques and processes in the artform of printmaking. The annotation accompanying the artwork articulately explains how the presentation of the artwork and the use of visual language communicates his ideas and intentions. He also explains how this artwork constitutes one aspect of his greater body of work. Rufus’s annotations demonstrate how the Structural, Personal and Cultural Lenses could be used to interpret personal responses.