Collection Online
4.2 × 42.4 cm irreg. diameter
Place/s of Execution
Vallauris, Alpes-Maritimes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
ed. 90/100
impressed (inverted) in base c.: MADOURA / (fire) / PLEIN / FEU
impressed (inverted) in base c.: EMPREINTE / ORIGINALE DE / PICASSO
inscribed (vertically) in black on base l.l.: 90/100
Accession Number
International Decorative Arts
Credit Line
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Purchased with funds donated by John and Cecily Adams, 2020
© Sucession Picasso/Copyright Agency
Gallery location
Late 19th & early 20th Century Paintings & Decorative Arts Gallery
Level 2, NGV International
About this work

Picasso explored a broad range of subjects in the ceramic medium but
one of his main preoccupations was the human face, the representation of which
he explored through countless studies and variations. He experimented with it in his first year of working at Madoura,but did not seriously return to the subject until 1953 when he produced a number of designs that explored both the profile and front-on view. From then on Picasso returned annually to the theme, depicting men and women, as well as ambiguous representations, such as this dish, which shows a particularly graphic interpretation of a non-determinative face.