Collection Areas International Prints Drawings (16,562) Martydom of Saint Stephan (Martyre de Sainct Estienne) UNKNOWN; Agostino CARRACCI (after) Hercules mounting his funeral pyre (Hercule se jettant dans un...) UNKNOWN; Guido RENI (after) Saint John the Evangelist (Sainct Jean Euangeliste) UNKNOWN; VALENTIN (after) Plan de Chasteau de Versaille UNKNOWN Messine Secourue Sebastien LE CLERC the elder La Bataille donnee a Sintzheim. Sebastien LE CLERC the elder Sortie de la Garnison de Gand Juan DOLIVAR Bataille de Cassel Sebastien LE CLERC the elder Doesburg Louis de CHATILLON; Sebastien LE CLERC the elder 1 of 15 views,plans,etc of the Louvre & Palace of Tuilleries UNKNOWN Children and Cupids UNKNOWN Adam and Eve UNKNOWN The Playground UNKNOWN; Robert WEBSTER (after) La Bataille de Seneffe Sebastien LE CLERC the elder Elysum Tartarus or the state of final retribution James BARRY The Leaves of memory seemed to make a mournful rustling Solomon Joseph SOLOMON View and Perspective of the Palace of Versaille from the side of the Orangery Israël SILVESTRE 1 of 15 views,plans,etc of the Louvre & Palace of Tuilleries UNKNOWN Deer stalkers returning UNKNOWN; Edwin LANDSEER (after) The Madonna & Dead Christ UNKNOWN Palace of Versailles, View of the forecourt. Israël SILVESTRE Sixteen etchings of scenes on the Thames (or The Thames Set) James McNeill WHISTLER This colloquial groupe of the celebrated sextumvirate James BARRY The Laws of Olympia James BARRY Sketch UNKNOWN 1 of 43 drawings by Students of Schools of Art of the U.K. UNKNOWN 1 of 43 drawings by Students of Schools of Art of the U.K. UNKNOWN 1 of 43 drawings by Students of Schools of Art of the U.K. UNKNOWN 1 of 43 drawings by Students of Schools of Art of the U.K. UNKNOWN 1 of 43 drawings by Students of Schools of Art of the U.K. UNKNOWN 553 pages475476477478479480481482483484485486487