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International Prints Drawings (16,562)

At the table Louis VALTAT The widow Albert MARQUET Boat Othon FRIESZ Standing female nude Othon FRIESZ Boats Raoul DUFY Work no. 22 Hans HARTUNG Countryside (Le Morin) André DERAIN Blind minotaur led by a little girl in the night Pablo PICASSO The stepping stones on the Wharfe, above Bolton Abbey, Yorkshire Thomas GIRTIN The company of fools 22 Lorene TAUREREWA Arra-maïda, a young Bruny Island woman, Van Diemen's Land Barthélemy ROGER (engraver); Nicolas-Martin PETIT (after) Parabéri, an adult male Barthélemy ROGER (engraver); Nicolas-Martin PETIT (after) Grou - agara, an adult male Barthélemy ROGER (engraver); Nicolas-Martin PETIT (after) A thermobarometer, or apparatus for measuring the temperature of the sea at great depths François-Martin TESTARD (engraver); Charles-Alexandre LESUEUR (after) Details of the New Hollande cassowary, Kangaroo Island LAMBERT FRÈRES (engraver); Charles-Alexandre LESUEUR (after) New Holland cassowaries, Kangaroo Island LAMBERT FRÈRES (engraver); Charles-Alexandre LESUEUR (after) Horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus crumeniferus. N. ), Timor CHOUBARD (engraver); Charles-Alexandre LESUEUR (after) Platypus, New South Wales. CHOUBARD (engraver); Charles-Alexandre LESUEUR (after) Long-tailed dayurid (Dasyurus macrourus. Geoffroy), New South Wales: New Holland Jean Dominique Etienne CANU (engraver); Charles-Alexandre LESUEUR (after) Sea elephants, or elephant seals (Phoca proboscidea. N.), King Island, Bass Strait Marie-Alexandre DUPARC (engraver); Victor PILLEMENT (engraver); Charles-Alexandre LESUEUR (after) Molluscs and zoophytes LAMBERT FRÈRES (engraver); Charles-Alexandre LESUEUR (after) Molluscs and zoophytes LAMBERT FRÈRES (engraver); Charles-Alexandre LESUEUR (after) Molluscs and zoophytes CHOUBARD (engraver); Charles-Alexandre LESUEUR (after) Ouriage, young nature of Van Diemen's Land Barthélemy ROGER (engraver); Nicolas-Martin PETIT (after) Wombats (Phascolonus wombat. N.), King Island, Bass Strait CHOUBARD (engraver); Charles-Alexandre LESUEUR (after) Banded Kangaroo (Kangurus fasciatus. N.), Bernier Island, Shark Bay, New Holland CHOUBARD (engraver); Charles-Alexandre LESUEUR (after) Houzwanaa or Bushman woman see at the Cape of Good Hope Frères LAMBERT (engraver); Nicolas-Martin PETIT (after) Bastard Hottentot or mixed blood Hottentot, wearing his sheepskin clothes Frères LAMBERT (engraver); Nicolas-Martin PETIT (after) Native of the Mozambique coast Barthélemy ROGER (engraver); Nicolas-Martin PETIT (after) Details of a Chinese tomb, Timor François-Martin TESTARD (engraver); Charles-Alexandre LESUEUR (after)