Collection Areas International Prints Drawings (16,562) The Moors settled in Spain, giving up the superstitions of the Koran, adopted this art of hunting, and spear a bull in the open country Francisco GOYA y Lucientes; Eugène LOIZELET (reworked by) Manly courage of the celebrated Pajuelera in (the ring) at Zaragoza Francisco GOYA y Lucientes; Eugène LOIZELET (reworked by) The celebrated picador Fernando del Toro draws the fierce beast on with his pique Francisco GOYA y Lucientes A Moor caught by the bull in the ring Francisco GOYA y Lucientes; Eugène LOIZELET (reworked by) The famous Martincho places the 'banderillas' playing the bull with the movement of his body Francisco GOYA y Lucientes The agility and audacity of Juanito Apiñani in (the ring) at Madrid Francisco GOYA y Lucientes Fight in a carriage harnessed to two mules Francisco GOYA y Lucientes Horse thrown by a bull Francisco GOYA y Lucientes Study Charles KEENE Finished drawing for 'Memories' Charles KEENE Study used in 'Dignity' Charles KEENE The Wheelwright's shop Frances HODGKINS Snow sunrise Paul NASH Pippins Horse Carries Him Almost Too Well. Hablot Knight BROWNE Pippins Tramps Home With a Friend. Hablot Knight BROWNE A hymn to my god DALZIEL BROTHERS (wood-engraver); Charles KEENE (draughtsman) Joseph and his Brethren UNKNOWN; Arthur Boyd HOUGHTON (after) The Seasons UNKNOWN; Alfred GILBERT (after) Joseph's Coat Brought to Jacob REMBRANDT Harmensz. van Rijn Weaver Birds Norbertine von BRESSLERN-ROTH Leopard Hunt Norbertine von BRESSLERN-ROTH The Resurrection of Lazarus Jacques CALLOT The Battlefield studies of horses and refugees Mary KESSELL The lion and horse Benjamin GREEN (engraver); George STUBBS (after) Composition in yellow and black Alfred MANESSIER Portrait of Colbert in allegorical scene Robert NANTEUIL Commedia del Arte Gino SEVERINI The Fight (I monomachi) Giorgio DE CHIRICO Robes Pour L'ete Raoul DUFY The Valley - The Boulve Suite Anthony GROSS 553 pages195196197198199200201202203204205206207