Collection Areas

International Photography (4,084)

March 29 André KERTÉSZ Masotho shaftsinker, President Steyn No. 4, Welkom David GOLDBLATT Son of a recipient of a FSA loan, Knox County, Kentucky Marion POST WOLCOTT Washington Square, December 25 André KERTÉSZ Butch Britz, master sinker, President Steyn No. 4, Welkom, 1969 David GOLDBLATT Chez Mondrian, Paris André KERTÉSZ Boy in a basement, Hillbrow, Johannesburg, June 1972 David GOLDBLATT Jitterbugging in a juke joint on Saturday night, Clarksdale, Mississippi Marion POST WOLCOTT Untitled Franco FONTANA On a porch, Orlando East, Soweto, Johannesburg, October 1972 David GOLDBLATT Toulouse Lautrec and his model in front of the picture 'Au Salon' UNKNOWN Untitled Franco FONTANA Near Wadesboro, North Carolina Marion POST WOLCOTT Old well, little path, rue de la Gare, Châtillon Eugène ATGET The playing fields of Tladi, Soweto, Johannesburg, August 1972 David GOLDBLATT Prince of Wales (later Edward VII) UNKNOWN Baptismal service, Morehead, Kentucky Marion POST WOLCOTT Untitled Franco FONTANA Corner of rue Valette and the Pantheon, 5th arrondissement, March morning Eugène ATGET Clara Ward (sheet of poses) Paris REUTLINGER One of the judges at the horse races, Warrenton, Virginia Marion POST WOLCOTT Untitled Franco FONTANA Parc de Sceaux, June, 7 o'clock, Morning Eugène ATGET Shenandoah Valley, Virginia Marion POST WOLCOTT Old hotel Gaillardou, Court 27 quay d'Anjou, 4th arrondissement Eugène ATGET Liane de Pougy Paris REUTLINGER Untitled Franco FONTANA Place Maubert Eugène ATGET General Store interior, Moundville, Alabama Walker EVANS Corot's Pond, Ville d'Avray Eugène ATGET