Collection Areas International Photography (4,084) The Grille opened (The Gothic Monuments) Pietro TORRIGIANI Untitled F.L. KENNET Hestia godess of the home, sitting on a chest, eastern pediment F.L. KENNETT Chariot horses from the north frieze of the Parthenon F.L. KENNETT Back view of Dionysus, god of wine F.L. KENNETT Untitled F.L. KENNETT Untitled F.L. KENNETT Untitled F.L. KENNET 1 of a set of 10 photographs of Romanesque art(acc.3140.31-40/4) UNKNOWN 1 of a set of 10 photographs of Negro art(acc.3140.41-50/4) UNKNOWN 1 of a set of 10 photographs of Negro art(acc.3140.41-50/4) UNKNOWN Head of Elizabeth I (side face) he Gothic Monuments) Pietro TORRIGIANI Head of an angel (side view) (The Gothic Monuments) Pietro TORRIGIANI A Weeper from the Tomb Chest (The Gothic Monuments) Pietro TORRIGIANI The Monuments in the Confessor's Chapel (The Gothic Monuments) Pietro TORRIGIANI Head of Henry VII (The Gothic Monuments) Pietro TORRIGIANI Head of Edward III (The Gothic Monuments) Pietro TORRIGIANI Greyhound supporter (The Gothic Monuments) Pietro TORRIGIANI The Queen's hand (The Gothic Monuments) Pietro TORRIGIANI 1 of a set of 10 photographs of Mexican art(acc.3140.21-30/4) UNKNOWN Untitled F.L. KENNETT Detail from rose ornament of the roundels (The Gothic Monuments) Peitro TORRIGIANI 1 of a set of 10 photographs of Negro art(acc.3140.41-50/4) UNKNOWN Untitled F.L. KENNETT Untitled F.L. KENNETT Untitled F.L. KENNETT Untitled K.L. KENNETT 1 of a set of 10 photographs of Romanesque art(acc.3140.31-40/4) UNKNOWN 1 of a set of 10 photographs of Romanesque art(acc.3140.31-40/4) UNKNOWN 1 of a set of 10 photographs of Negro art(acc.3140.41-50/4) UNKNOWN 137 pages113114115116117118119120121122123124125