Collection Areas

International Decorative Arts (7,485)

Universal Exposition, Paris, box Jules-Clément CHAPLAIN (designer) Universal Exposition, Paris, prize medal Jules-Clément CHAPLAIN (designer) Universal Exposition, Paris, prize medal and box Jules-Clément CHAPLAIN (designer) International Universal Exposition 1900, prize medal Jules-Clément CHAPLAIN (designer) World’s Columbian Exposition, Chicago, commemorative medal Luigi POGLIAGHI (designer); STABILIMENTO STEFANO JOHNSON, Milan (manufacturer) At the Exposition of Chicago 1893, commemorative plate HIPPOLYTE BOULENGER & CO., Choisy-le-Roi (manufacturer) At the Exposition of Chicago 1893, commemorative plate HIPPOLYTE BOULENGER & CO., Choisy-le-Roi (manufacturer) World’s Columbian Exposition Chicago, box Charles Edward BARBER (engraver); Augustus SAINT-GAUDENS (designer) World’s Columbian Exposition Chicago, prize medal Charles Edward BARBER (engraver); Augustus SAINT-GAUDENS (designer) World’s Columbian Exposition Chicago, prize medal and box Charles Edward BARBER (engraver); Augustus SAINT-GAUDENS (designer) World’s Columbian Exposition, Chicago, commemorative medal UNITED STATES Souvenir of my ascent to the top of the Eiffel Tower 1889, box Charles TROTIN (designer); USINE METALLURGIQUE PARISIENNE, Paris (manufacturer) Souvenir of my ascent to the top of the Eiffel Tower 1889, commemorative medal and box Charles TROTIN (designer); USINE METALLURGIQUE PARISIENNE, Paris (manufacturer) Souvenir of my ascent to the top of the Eiffel Tower 1889, commemorative medal Charles TROTIN (designer); USINE METALLURGIQUE PARISIENNE, Paris (manufacturer) Ministry of Agriculture, prize medal Hubert PONSCARME (designer) 1889. Travellers for the Exhibition, commemorative plate SARREGUEMINES, Sarreguemines (manufacturer) 1889. The gramophone, commemorative plate SARREGUEMINES, Sarreguemines (manufacturer) 1889. Ascent of the Eiffel Tower. Staircase of the second level, commemorative plate SARREGUEMINES, Sarreguemines (manufacturer) 1889. Annamite theatre, commemorative plate SARREGUEMINES, Sarreguemines (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris, beaker FRANCE Universal Exposition, Paris. Press Committee, Osiris Prize, prize medal Jules-Clément CHAPLAIN (designer) International Exhibition, Sydney, service medal J. S. & A. B. WYON (manufacturer) International Exhibition Sydney, box J. S. & A. B. WYON (manufacturer) International Exhibition Sydney, jury medal and box J. S. & A. B. WYON (manufacturer) International Exhibition Sydney, jury medal J. S. & A. B. WYON (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. Souvenir of the Exhibition of 1878. No. 12, commemorative plate J. VIEILLARD & CO., Bordeaux (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. Souvenir of the Exhibition of 1878. No. 7, commemorative plate J. VIEILLARD & CO., Bordeaux (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. Souvenir of the Exhibition of 1878. No. 5, commemorative plate J. VIEILLARD & CO., Bordeaux (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. Souvenir of the Exhibition of 1878. No. 2, commemorative plate J. VIEILLARD & CO., Bordeaux (manufacturer) Souvenir of my ascent in the large tethered hot air balloon of Mr Henry Giffard, commemorative medal Charles TROTIN (designer)