Collection Areas Australian Prints Drawings (11,259) Shaft Ann THOMSON The Australian scapegoat Arthur BOYD (Gang Gang Cockatoo) Albert TUCKER From the republic of conscience V Ian FRIEND Bike Ian FAIRWEATHER Little man juggling Fred WILLIAMS TV drawing: Harry Houdini Eric THAKE Sketchbook (Nature note book) Sybil CRAIG Study for Running man Rick AMOR Drawing (Gestural rectangle with black, red, pink, blue, yellow) Peter BOOTH Memorial I Franz KEMPF Boy in a toy car Charles BLACKMAN Composition Ludwig HIRSCHFELD MACK Do Padera Coco (Self portrait as a pear) TO HAVE DONE WITH THE JUDGEMENT OF GOD Mike PARR (Explorer and parrot) Albert TUCKER Fan study Tim STORRIER Design in curved and straight lines Sybil CRAIG Italian peasant woman standing by a gothic arch Grace CROWLEY Midget Fred WILLIAMS From the republic of conscience IV Ian FRIEND Lost in Space Ludwig HIRSCHFELD MACK TV drawing: (Hippopotamus); (Man wearing glasses); (Ape) Eric THAKE (Face) Albert TUCKER Finsternis Paul UHLMANN Helianthus annuus (Sunflower) Margaret STONES Untitled study Lenton PARR Picture frame design Elizabeth WILLIAMSON Abstract in pink and purple Sybil CRAIG Olga 2 Grace CROWLEY Between two worlds Ludwig HIRSCHFELD MACK 376 pages12345678910111213