Collection Areas Australian Prints (11,259) Cycles of fire and water – Lake Tyrrell, Victoria John WOLSELEY Template for a drawer front of a sideboard Edmund Joseph COX The book of butterflies Michael LEUNIG ØNE Shaun GLADWELL Anxiety and joy John WOLSELEY Antipodean view Julia SILVESTER War Savings Streets Robert ROONEY History of the Whipstick Forest with ephemeral swamps and gold bearing reefs John WOLSELEY Two designs for the Wiridgil bellows Robert PRENZEL After bushfire (1) Fred WILLIAMS Manhattan suite no. 16 Alun LEACH-JONES Burnt ferns Fred WILLIAMS Manhattan suite no. 11 Alun LEACH-JONES After bushfire (3) Fred WILLIAMS After bushfire (2) Fred WILLIAMS Carp kites Fred WILLIAMS Nude Fred WILLIAMS Circular hillside landscape Fred WILLIAMS Leaping fox Fred WILLIAMS Cape York bushfire (2) Fred WILLIAMS Approaching bushfire Fred WILLIAMS Cape York bushfire (1) Fred WILLIAMS Coastline, Weipa Fred WILLIAMS Insect-catching plant, Weipa Fred WILLIAMS Weipa landscape (2) Fred WILLIAMS Weipa landscape (1) Fred WILLIAMS Cavan Fred WILLIAMS Kosciusko Fred WILLIAMS Ti-tree swamp (Flinders Island) Fred WILLIAMS Mangrove needles Fred WILLIAMS 376 pages74757677787980818283848586