Collection Areas Australian Prints (11,259) Brighton Beach James Stuart ANDERSON Abstract composition Frank HODGKINSON Untitled Ludwig HIRSCHFELD MACK Abstract John COBURN Titlepage Len ANNOIS St John eats the Book of Knowledge of God Len ANNOIS Business Noel COUNIHAN (The Landing, Albert Park Lake) Phyl WATERHOUSE Nobody gives us credit for the masterpieces we haven't written yet Will DYSON Rowing boat, Double Bay Alfred COFFEY Self portrait Arthur BOYD Jockey and trainer John BRACK Portrait of Treania Smith Thea PROCTOR The third generation Margaret PRESTON Nazare Margaret OLLEY Well and barn, Tasmania Ernest MOFFITT Sketchbook Lionel LINDSAY Sketchbook Lionel LINDSAY Sketchbook (Horses, figures) George W. LAMBERT St Kilda Esplanade Lionel LINDSAY Prince's Bridge Lionel LINDSAY Sketchbook Lionel LINDSAY Sketchbook Lionel LINDSAY Sketchbook Lionel LINDSAY Study for 'Channel crossing' Eric WILSON Dark legende Franz KEMPF Walking man Godfrey MILLER Reclining nude Constance STOKES Reclining nude Sam FULLBROOK You Yangs landscape Fred WILLIAMS 376 pages108109110111112113114115116117118119120