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Australian Photography (9,435)

No title (Kouros statue in city ruins) Peter LYSSIOTIS No title (Then the sound of the sea. My hands press against his chest. What is before me opens. And beyond - the blue immensity of my room) Peter LYSSIOTIS No title (like any traveller all he desired was rest) Peter LYSSIOTIS No title (Marble bust floating in landscape) Peter LYSSIOTIS No title (Hooded figure in cavern) Peter LYSSIOTIS No title (Head of statue and man on hill) Peter LYSSIOTIS No title (Man in blue room) Peter LYSSIOTIS No title (Ancient urn and moon) Peter LYSSIOTIS No title (Face and beam of light) Peter LYSSIOTIS ...from the secret life of statues Peter LYSSIOTIS No title (You send me a voice through lips of marble) Peter LYSSIOTIS No title (Marble has an appetite for love) Peter LYSSIOTIS No title (Figure and feet) Peter LYSSIOTIS No title (Man in rock pool) Peter LYSSIOTIS No title ("I need a ship to begin my journey. Your eyes will do") Peter LYSSIOTIS No title (Book on table with mirror) Peter LYSSIOTIS No title (Face and hand) Peter LYSSIOTIS Inclose V Christine CORNISH Inclose I Christine CORNISH The Nuba mountains and their valleys and wide fertile lowlands cover an area about the size of Australia. The people of the Nuba are skilful farmers growing crops on terraces on the hillsides and, in more peaceful times, working the fields down in the plains Jack PICONE Man-to-man wrestling bouts have been a part of Nuba tribal traditions for many years. Now these and other testing physical contests calling on the speed, strength and courage of participants have been banned as part of the Sudanese government’s determination to destroy Nuba culture Jack PICONE Despite the on-going civil war and the decimation of their ranks by the Sudanese government’s cleansing the mountains policy, the men of the Nuba tribes still secretly celebrate the harvest with traditional stick fights Jack PICONE The rebel Sudan People’s Liberation Army is a movement of the black African people from the southern areas of Sudan who are opposed to the Islamic Arabs of the north. The SPLA has had a force in the Nuba Mountains since 1987 Jack PICONE Young Nuba women, their faces hidden behind their traditional bead headwear, dance in honour of the victor in a prohibited stick-fighting contest Jack PICONE In the Sudan the Nuba people are fighting for their existence. As Khartoum’s military government imposes Islamic law on the south it is doubtful that today’s Nuba children will ever enjoy the same unique cultural identity and independence as their forebears Jack PICONE Preparing for a dance, a young Nube maiden dresses herself in the now outlawed traditional tribal manner Jack PICONE A recent donation of simple plastic toys has brought much joy to the children in this Spartan institution Jacqui JAMES Beds more suited to five-year-olds than near adults are back to back and, as there are no bathrooms, have potty-chairs alongside Jacqui JAMES The vulnerability of these children, and their obvious dire needs could break even the hardest of hearts Jacqui JAMES While seeming to be a touching moment between social worker and child, the reality is that the woman is unaware of the child’s name even after fifteen years of working there Jacqui JAMES