Collection Areas Australian Photography (9,435) No title (Judge Read, seated in a chair) C. Stuart TOMPKINS Northward to Fisher Russell DRYSDALE Travelling near Poddy's Bore Russell DRYSDALE No title (Judge Read, seated in a chair) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Judge Read, seated in a chair) C. Stuart TOMPKINS Boulder City - Kalgoorlie Western Australia Russell DRYSDALE No title (Judge Read, seated in a chair) C. Stuart TOMPKINS View of Kalgoorlie Russell DRYSDALE View of Kalgoorlie Russell DRYSDALE No title (Sir Harry Chauvel) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Sir Harry Chauvel, seated in a chair) C. Stuart TOMPKINS Eucla Russell DRYSDALE Ants clearing Richard WOLDENDORP Macbeth John SCOTT-SIMMONS Palestine, Arab villagers under arrest Mischa KOGAN Lieutenant Jim Lawrence Dr Julian SMITH Their owner Russell DRYSDALE No title (Sir Harry Chauvel, seated in a chair) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Lady Huntingfield) C. Stuart TOMPKINS Young roos - Koonalda Station Russell DRYSDALE No title (Lady Huntingfield) C. Stuart TOMPKINS Children at Koonalda Russell DRYSDALE No title (Lady Huntingfield in coat with fur collar) C. Stuart TOMPKINS Children at Nullagine Russell DRYSDALE No title (Lady Huntingfield in coat with fur collar) C. Stuart TOMPKINS Nullagine Russell DRYSDALE No title (Lady Huntingfield in coat with fur collar) C. Stuart TOMPKINS Man who built the street Russell DRYSDALE Tasmania - April 1959 Russell DRYSDALE No title (Lady Huntingfield in coat with fur collar) C. Stuart TOMPKINS 315 pages229230231232233234235236237238239240241