Collection Areas

Australian Photography (9,435)

No title (Blue Boronia, 'Boronia caerulescens'. Australian wildflowers) Russell DRYSDALE No title ('Cephalipterum drummondii'. Australian wildflowers) Russell DRYSDALE No title (Sunray and Myriocephalus, 'Helipterum sp.; Myriocephalus sp.'. Australian wildflowers) Russell DRYSDALE No title (Tall Mulla Mulla, 'Ptillotus exaltatus'. Australian wildflowers) Russell DRYSDALE No title (Queen Salate) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Queen Salate and Dr Wood) C. Stuart TOMPKINS Sturt pea - Maralinga, South Australia Russell DRYSDALE No title (The Honorable R.G. Menzies, double negative) C. Stuart TOMPKINS Athol Compton flushing out reptiles and small mammal specimens towards Callabonna, South Australia, 1963 Russell DRYSDALE No title (Mr R. G. Casey with pipe, double negative) C. Stuart TOMPKINS Aboriginal quarry - Lion's Head Russell DRYSDALE No title (Mr R. G. Casey with pipe, double negative) C. Stuart TOMPKINS Camp at base of Lion's Head Russell DRYSDALE No title (Albert Namatjira, double negative) C. Stuart TOMPKINS The dingo fence Russell DRYSDALE Athol Compton digging for Rabbit-eared Bandicoots, watched by Maudie Russell DRYSDALE Monash University team looking for reptiles and small mammal specimens, near camp towards Tilcha homestead Russell DRYSDALE No title (Alice Springs school, Northern Territory) C. Stuart TOMPKINS Sir Hugh Devine Dr Julian SMITH Roman amphitheatre, Amman, Trans-Jordania Mischa KOGAN Farmer, North Sumatra, 1966 Lance NELSON No title (Looking up steep dry grass slope at men and horses among trees) J. H. PEARSON (attributed to) No title (Snow covered rocks) Stephen WICKHAM Billy Rose, Spanky Hume, Athol Compton and Eric Worrell between Wanaaring and Burke, New South Wales, 1963 Russell DRYSDALE No title (Alice Springs school, Northern Territory) C. Stuart TOMPKINS Furneaux Group Bass Strait March 1960 Russell DRYSDALE No title (The two Royal Princes and their nurse) C. Stuart TOMPKINS Eric with snake - Furneaux Islands Russell DRYSDALE No title (The two Royal Princes) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (The two Royal Princes) C. Stuart TOMPKINS