Collection Areas Australian Photography (9,435) Fragment 5: The third wave Harry NANKIN Fragment 4: The third wave Harry NANKIN Fragment 3: The third wave Harry NANKIN Fragment 23: The first wave Harry NANKIN Fragment 22: The first wave Harry NANKIN Fragment 20: The first wave Harry NANKIN Fragment 19: The first wave Harry NANKIN Fragment 18: The first wave Harry NANKIN Fragment 17: The first wave Harry NANKIN Fragment 16: The first wave Harry NANKIN Fragment 15: The first wave Harry NANKIN Fragment 14: The first wave Harry NANKIN Fragment 13: The first wave Harry NANKIN Fragment 11: The first wave Harry NANKIN Fragment 10: The first wave Harry NANKIN Fragment 9: The first wave Harry NANKIN Untitled 1995/96 Bill HENSON Fragment 8: The first wave Harry NANKIN Fragment 7: The first wave Harry NANKIN Fragment 6: The first wave Harry NANKIN Fragment 5: The first wave Harry NANKIN Fragment 2: The first wave Harry NANKIN Shot tower, Taroona, Tasmania Charles WOOLLEY (attributed to) Truganini Charles WOOLLEY S & D II Brook ANDREW No title (Roald Amundsen’s ship in Hobart, after the first successful expedition to Antarctica) J. W. BEATTIE Aboriginal chief KERRY & CO., Sydney No title (Event for amplified man / tree and laser at Pinacotheca Gallery, 25 and 26 August 1972) Anthony FIGALLO; STELARC No title (Event for amplified man / tree and laser at Pinacotheca Gallery, 25 and 26 August 1972) Anthony FIGALLO; STELARC No title (Event for amplified man / tree and laser at Pinacotheca Gallery, 25 and 26 August 1972) Anthony FIGALLO; STELARC 315 pages164165166167168169170171172173174175176