Collection Areas Australian Photography (9,438) Untitled Rozalind DRUMMOND The black bunyip Eric THAKE Dianna pregnant in the garden Christine GODDEN No title (Meat on chopping board) John DELACOUR Shannon Park Spastic Centre: two children playing with pencils Laurie WILSON Shannon Park Spastic Centre: two children playing with pencils Laurie WILSON Victims’ suitcases Wes PLACEK Hair of murdered women Wes PLACEK Victims’ brushes Wes PLACEK The wall of death Wes PLACEK Tins which contained Cyklon B Wes PLACEK Fragments of the fencing Wes PLACEK Brick barracks Wes PLACEK Spectacles left by murdered victims Wes PLACEK Remains of victims’ shoes Wes PLACEK Cart for removing bodies seen against the background of the furnace of Crematorium 1 Wes PLACEK Block 15 Wes PLACEK Block 24 Wes PLACEK Fragments of the fencing Wes PLACEK Crutches and artificial limbs of murdered invalids Wes PLACEK No title (Ladder at window) John DELACOUR Dianna pregnant in the hammock Christine GODDEN The White Rat Eric THAKE Fatipur Sikri Lorraine BARBER Bernard Heinze Athol SHMITH No title (School's in) Ruth HOLLICK No title (Fashion illustration. Model Pauline Kiernan) Athol SHMITH Dianna pregnant Christine GODDEN No title (Red toilet seat) John DELACOUR My son Joshua learning to swim Rennie ELLIS 315 pages9596979899100101102103104105106107