Collection Areas Australian Painting (1,764) Still life A. M. PLANTE The blind beggar Peter PURVES SMITH A mountain town in Italy Lloyd REES A turbaned man Tom ROBERTS Beyond the park, Lilydale Harry ROSENGRAVE Sunday morning R. E. SCARVELL Self-portrait Colvin SMITH Dream crossed moonlight Jack CARINGTON SMITH Woman drying her hair Constance STOKES Man and sea Alan WARREN Landscape, Macedon James D. WATSON The jolly swagman Ernest BUCKMASTER Portrait of Miss Fothergill Meyer ALTSON Sketch for The fishing village, Le Lavandou Rupert BUNNY (Vineyard, Sanary) Rupert BUNNY Sketch for Port of Cassis Rupert BUNNY Psyche and Zephyr Rupert BUNNY Mrs E. Phillips Fox Amalie COLQUHOUN Self-portrait A. D. COLQUHOUN Cattle on the hillside J. W. CURTIS Landscape David DAVIES Black horse by copper roofs Ursula LAVERTY View of Creswick from Camp Hill Victor LITHERLAND Cloud shadows, Camden Rubery BENNETT Bank of New South Wales, Tallangatta Helen OGILVIE St Ives Ambrose PATTERSON Exodus John ROWELL Ship in port Max RAGLESS Swanston Street ALberto GILLINI Thaw in Fortis Green Harold GREENHILL 59 pages31323334353637383940414243