Collection Areas Asian Art (6,459) Paranja (Woman's mantle) UZBEK people Pilgrimage and devotional mould with folk hero INDIAN Pilgrimage and devotional pendant (Phul) with Vishnu-Pada INDIAN Wall hanging UZBEK people Woman's tunic UZBEK people Man’s coat UZBEK people Man's coat UZBEK people Woman’s apron TIBETAN Ceremonial cloth BHUTANESE Ceremonial cloth BHUTANESE Woman’s belt BHUTANESE Woman’s dress cloth BHUTANESE Woman’s dress cloth BHUTANESE Shawl / Raincloth BHUTANESE Shawl / Raincloth BHUTANESE Brazier base JAPANESE Brazier JAPANESE Ceremonial cloth BATAK people Woman’s vest ALAS people Padmavati as Vidyadevi INDIAN Woman's dress (Jumlo) SHIN people Listening to the rain, No word Kim Hoa TRAM (1) Lost one's way (Mitu) (2) Returning home (Guitu) Kim Hoa TRAM Altar table or desk TIBETAN Hand drawn batik fabric length DANAR HADI STUDIO, Java (manufacturer) Quilt PAKISTANI Cham (ceremonial dancer) robe TIBETAN Shakyamuni Buddha BURMESE Maitreya TIBETAN Woman's ceremonial skirt INDONESIAN 216 pages209210211212213214215216